Watch Now: How top enterprises optimize the performance of their software apps & supercharge employee productivity

Wach now a practical online training session presented at the New York Oracle User Group, made for enterprise Oracle-Cloud pros, and get some understanding about how advanced technology can answer burning questions : 

  • How are users (employees) adopting the different applications?
  • How can cloud and helpdesk teams know what is their users experience working with the applications?
  • Are users proficient in using the different applications? Who are the superusers or the organization? 
  • Which employees keep productive while working from home, and which ones are struggling?
  • Are there specific repetitive user issues? How can an employee support ticket be solved as fast as possible?

And more….

Learn about the value of comprehensive, real-time analytics of employee behavior with Oracle cloud applications. Gain practical insights into how to most effectively improve user productivity, adoption, and business process execution.

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